Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II

Open Access 2025-02-07

Alisher Navoi’s Khamsa: Publications and Research

Shokirova Hilola Shokir qizi , Doctoral candidate at the State Literature Museum named after Alisher Navoi, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 5-10 .
Open Access 2025-02-20

The History of Environmental Institutions and Societies Established in The Turkestan General Governorate

Ravshan Tursunov , Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc), Acting Professor, National University of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 39-43 .
Open Access 2025-02-28

The issue of political study of national and regional security

Azimov Habibullakhon Yakubovich , Senior Lecturer of the Department of "International Relations" of TSUOS, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences, PhD, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 88-91 .
Open Access 2025-02-11

Transformation of Sосiо-Сulturаl Traditions in Youth and Family Relations As А Sосiо-Philоsоphiсаl Problem

Sultоnоv Аkmаljоn Hаsаnоviсh , Tеасhеr, Fасulty оf Lаw, Nаmаngаn Stаtе Univеrsity, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 31-34 .
Open Access 2025-02-28

Measures Implemented in Uzbekistan On the Use of Solar Energy

Khakimova Sh. S. , PhD., Doctor of Philosophy, University of Exact and Social Sciences, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 79-82 .
Open Access 2025-02-10

Some features of the history of agriculture in the Ferghana valley

U.A. Usarov , Docent of the Department of "International Relations and History" at Alfraganus University, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 23-26 .
Open Access 2025-02-23

Contribution of Developing the Tourism Sector to Reducing Unemployment

Asst. Lect. Rasool Taher Rasool , Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Karbala Technical Institute, Iraq
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 44-50 .
Open Access 2025-02-07

Third-Party Breach of Civil Liability

Dr. Rasim Ayed Hassan , Lect., Head of Health Administration DepartmentAl-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf Technology Institute, Iraq
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 11-19 .
Open Access 2025-02-24

The Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Improving the Performance of Tourist Guides

Allawi Namah Abdulzahra , Karbala Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 64-74 .
Open Access 2025-02-01

Pedagogy in The Digital Age: Revolutionizing Teacher Development at Zimbabwe Open University

Shumba Boamah , Institution: Great Zimbabwe University, P.O.Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 1-4 .
Open Access 2025-02-15

Spiritual and Educational Life in Uzbekistan During the Years of Independence

Yusupova Nargiza , Kazan Federal University Branch in Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 35-38 .
Open Access 2025-02-28

Factors and Prospects for The Development of The Military Social Work System in Modern Conditions

Hashimova Gulsina Ismoilovna , Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 83-87 .
Open Access 2025-02-11

Zulfiya Khanim's Poems Will Live in Hearts Forever

Khurramova Durdona Ibodulla qizi , Tashkent Medical Academy. Student of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 27-30 .
Open Access 2025-02-28

Coverage of Gender Equality Issues in Uzbekistan

Nurullayeva Durdona , Tashkent state university of oriental studies, Master degree student 1-course, Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 75-78 .
Open Access 2025-02-09

Artistic Details in Historical Dramas of The Independence Period

Gulomjon Atadjanov , Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore basic doctoral student, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 20-22 .
Open Access 2025-02-24

The Announcement and Promotion of Citizenship Values in Iraqi Society

Lect. Dr. Haider Addam Hamza , Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume - V Issue - II, 51-63 .