The Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Improving the Performance of Tourist Guides
Allawi Namah Abdulzahra , Karbala Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, IraqAbstract
Psychological empowerment is one of the modern trends that have emerged in human resources management, which is reflected in improving job performance, especially in the field of tourist guidance, which represents the backbone of the tourism and hospitality industry. The study aimed to identify the concept of psychological empowerment and clarify its importance, identify the types of psychological empowerment and the stages of its formation, explain the concept of tourist guide performance and its determinants, and shed light on the most important modern tools for measuring tourist guide performance and the models that explain it. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and used the questionnaire to collect data from a random sample of tourist guides, the size of which was (110) individuals. The study concluded the importance of psychological empowerment in achieving psychological and professional safety for workers, and improving the job performance of workers in the field of tourist guidance. Psychological empowerment was interpreted in light of Spreitzer's theory according to four dimensions that included meaning, impact, efficiency, and self-report. Tour guide performance was also interpreted in light of the Kaizen model and the Deming model. The study presented a set of recommendations, including providing training programs for tourist guides to improve performance and develop the capabilities of workers in the field of tourist guidance according to a comprehensive strategy for management. Human resources in tourism organizations.
Psychological Empowerment, Employee Performance, Performance Improvement, Tour Guide
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Questionnaire Form
This questionnaire is part of the practical procedures for a research entitled: The impact of psychological empowerment on improving the performance of tourist guides. Please answer all the questions by putting a check mark (√) in front of the appropriate choice from your point of view, noting that this information will be used only for scientific research purposes.
Gender Male Female
Age Group Less than 30 30 – 40
– 50 greater than 50
Age Group Diploma Bachelor's
Master PhD
Years of Experience Less than 5 5 -10
-15 More than 15
Objective data:
First axis: Psychological empowerment of tourist guides
Strongly Disagree Dis Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Phrase N
Attention is given to solving the social problems that tourist guides suffer from 1
Psychological treatment programs are provided for tourist guides who suffer from psychological illnesses 2
Appropriate rest times are provided for tourist guides to reduce work pressure 3
Outstanding tourist guides receive moral incentives in addition to material incentives. 4
Tour guides are allowed to express their opinions freely to improve the quality of services provided 5
Axis II: Organizational empowerment of tourist guides
Strongly Disagree Dis Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Phrase N
Tourist guides are involved in making decisions related to tour guide tasks 6
The opinion of tour guides is taken into account in preparing the tour programs before designing them 7
The authorities are granted to tour guides to help in quickly completing the work tasks 8
The tour guides are encouraged to work as a team and form work teams 9
Training programs are provided to tour guides to raise their professional skills 10
Article Statistics
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