The Announcement and Promotion of Citizenship Values in Iraqi Society
Lect. Dr. Haider Addam Hamza , Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, IraqAbstract
The research dealt with the first chapter of the methodological framework of the research, the research problem, the importance of the research and the need for it, the research objective, the research limits, the identification and definition of terms, the second chapter the theoretical framework and previous studies, the first section dealt with citizenship, its concept and components, the characteristics of citizenship, the dimensions of the concept of citizenship, the values of citizenship (freedom, equality, justice), the components of citizenship belonging, the concept of belonging, the dimensions of belonging (identity, loyalty, commitment, affection and love), while the second section included advertising and the factors affecting its perception, the definition of advertising, communication and the elements of the process Communication, communication functions, visual communication, classification of advertising posters according to their function, they are (political posters, commercial posters, economic posters, tourist posters, religious posters, cultural posters, social posters, informational posters, and previous studies, Chapter Three This chapter deals with the research procedures, first: research methodology, second: the research community includes the community (intellectual and objective aspect, technical and formal aspect) third: the research sample (model No. (1) Corrupt media divides us - researcher's work, model No. (2) honesty saves you and lying disgraces you - researcher's work, model No. (3) equality - researcher's work), Chapter Four: This chapter deals with: First: Results, Second: Conclusions, Third: Sources.
Advertising, Citizenship, Society
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