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Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Implementing the Principles of Academic and Financial Autonomy to The Management of Higher Education Institutions

Azamov Jasurbek Murodovich , Kokokn State Pedagogical Institute, Independent researcher, Doctor of Philosophy in Jurisprudence (PhD), Uzbekistan


In the article, the need to adapt education to the processes of globalization, introduce innovative approaches to introduce innovative standards, reform the management system, introduce new principles into it, and today academic and financial autonomy are being formed as components of institutional autonomy as new principles for higher education management, and every country that aims to reform its effective aspects, the higher education system, issues of introducing these principles to its higher education management are covered.


Intellect, academic capitalism, conceptual


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Azamov Jasurbek Murodovich. (2025). Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Implementing the Principles of Academic and Financial Autonomy to The Management of Higher Education Institutions. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(02), 45–49.