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The Role of Forming the Spiritual Competence of Higher-Grade Students on The Basis of The Pedagogical Views of The Jadids

Kuldashev Muradjon Ganievich , Independent researcher at Fergana State University, Teacher at the Fergana “Temurbeklar Maktabi” Military Academic Lyceum, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the ideological views of the Jadids as a necessity in developing the spiritual competence of students of Military Academic Lyceums and the pedagogical foundations of forming a moral and spiritual culture, the training of students in the "Military Academic Lyceum" system as professional military personnel, active specialists who can compete locally and globally in the labor market , possess and demonstrate professional creativity, and take a worthy place in the international community, problems of spiritual and professional training and readiness of future specialists, especially effectively organizing the system of educational work in military institutions.


Student, knowledge, skills


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Kuldashev Muradjon Ganievich. (2025). The Role of Forming the Spiritual Competence of Higher-Grade Students on The Basis of The Pedagogical Views of The Jadids. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(02), 42–44.