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Development of Professional Competence of Future Music Teachers on The Basis of Music Listening Activity

Avlakulov Dilovor Khayitboboyevich , Senior Lecturer, Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Uzbekistan


This article highlights the importance of music listening in the formation and development of professional competence of future music teachers. The role of listening in the process of music education, its pedagogical, psychological and didactic foundations are analyzed. Also, the possibilities of forming artistic and aesthetic taste in teachers through music listening, developing creative thinking and strengthening the competence of analyzing musical works are considered. The article also analyzes modern methods and technologies, innovative approaches to increasing the effectiveness of music listening, and gives practical recommendations based on best practices.


Listening to music, professional competence, music education


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Avlakulov Dilovor Khayitboboyevich. (2025). Development of Professional Competence of Future Music Teachers on The Basis of Music Listening Activity. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(02), 34–37.