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Optimizing the Process of Developing Communication Skills in Prospective Engineers by Applying Analytical Thinking

Mavlanova Moxira Umrbek kizi , Senior Teacher of Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan


As a result of a detailed analysis of scientific sources, it was concluded that the terms "competence" and “communicative competence” are often interpreted similarly, have many commonalities, but the concept of "competence" has a broader meaning. In this dissertation research, the term "competence" is considered as a set of knowledge, skills, competences and personal motives aimed at solving standard and non-standard theoretical and practical problems within any activity. By competence we mean that a person has the appropriate powers; this is a systematic unit of the level of knowledge, experience, behavioral skills and ability to act that fully corresponds to the requirements of a certain professional activity.


Communicative competence, interaction, activity


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Mavlanova Moxira Umrbek kizi. (2025). Optimizing the Process of Developing Communication Skills in Prospective Engineers by Applying Analytical Thinking. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(02), 18–20.