Empowering the Next Generation: Slovak Educators and the Evolution of Civic Education
Tomas Molnar , Trnava University, Department of School Pedagogy Trnava, SlovakiaAbstract
This article explores the evolving role of Slovak educators in expanding and enhancing civic education, aiming to empower young citizens with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for active participation in society. Through an examination of contemporary teaching methods, curricula, and policy changes, this study highlights how Slovak teachers are adapting to the changing needs of a democratic society. The article emphasizes the importance of fostering critical thinking, civic responsibility, and a deeper understanding of democratic principles among students. Additionally, it explores the challenges and opportunities faced by educators in integrating civic education into the broader educational framework, and how these efforts contribute to building a more informed and engaged citizenry for Slovakia's future.
Civic education, youth empowerment, Slovak educators
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