Abdullayeva D. , Teacher-Assistant In The Department Of Teaching Languages In Samarkand State Institute Of Economy And Services, Uzbekistan Axmedov Istamjon , Student Of I - Course In Faculty Of Bank Accounting And Menejment, UzbekistanAbstract
The effectiveness of any excursion is determined not only by the choice of display objects, the development of the route, the knowledge of the guide, but also by the good possession of the technique of conducting the excursion. On this depends on ensuring a clear order on it, creating conditions for the perception of the material of the excursion. The technique of conducting the excursion is an integral part of the professional skill of the guide, a practical manifestation of his qualities as the head of the excursion group.
Professional skill of the guide, a practical manifestation,, the development of the route, the knowledge of the guide.
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