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E.E.Abdurashidov , Andijan machine-building institute,Teacher, Uzbekistan
B.R.Yuldashev , Andijan machine-building institute,Teacher, Uzbekistan


The choice of the motor may be based on the average power or average current. At the outset, this method seems to be applicable. It has, however, a disadvantage in that it does not consider the variation of losses. The motor chosen will be smaller for the load cycle, and of insufficient capacity. This may have increased temperature due to overloads, where the losses increase. This happens if the load fluctuations are considerable. The method may give a satisfactory motor if the load fluctuations are relatively small. There are two types of Continuous Duty Motor — continuous duty at constant load and continuous duty with variable load cycle. In the former the load torque remains constant for a sufficiently longer period corresponding normally to a multiple of time constant of the drive motor. The drive motor is therefore loaded for a sufficient amount of time continuously, till it attains thermal equilibrium.


Continuous Duty Motor, constant load,, variable load


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E.E.Abdurashidov, & B.R.Yuldashev. (2023). RESEARCHING CONTINIUS DUTY MOTORS. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 3(05), 57–66.