Murtazayev Nurbek Rashidovich , Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Finance, Institute Of Engineering And Economics In Karshi, UzbekistanAbstract
Currently, the infrastructure of the stock market of Uzbekistan is characterized by the fact that it has a certain level of formation and the existence of various financial instruments, which are important, but problematic, in the economy. His problem is that at the moment, his activity in solving the above-mentioned problems for Uzbekistan is not noticeable. The reason for this is that its development is not yet complete with positive quantitative indicators of the criterion of indicators. Because the activity of stock market participants is slow, there are few types of financial instruments in circulation, high level of risk and volatility, low capitalization and liquidity, small volume, slow turnover, ranking mechanism is not improved, etc. All this is a temporary situation, and in the future, the stock markets of other developing countries it is inevitable that it will reach the level of competitiveness. It can be said that in the medium and long term, the sharp development of the stock market of Uzbekistan can be predicted. It has all the possibilities for this.
Financial instruments in circulation, high level of risk and volatility, low capitalization and liquidity
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