Shermatov Sarvar Azamatovich , Improving The Attraction Of Investment In Small Business And Private Entrepreneurship With The Digitalization Of The Economy, UzbekistanAbstract
Nowadays, the digital economy and a number of effective technologies related to it, including e-commerce and e-business, are rapidly entering our lives. For the same reason, in order to accelerate the development of the state and society, the leadership of our republic made several important decisions.
Based on global trends and events in foreign policy, Uzbekistan faces the issue of global competitiveness and national security, and the development of the digital economy in the country plays an important and decisive role in solving this issue. Some elements of the digital economy are already working successfully in our country. Nowadays, taking into account the mass transfer of documents and communications to digital means, authorization of electronic signatures and communication with the government are also transferred to electronic platforms.
Digitization, small business and entrepreneurship, modern technologies, development of digital economy
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