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Using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of teaching

Jo’rabekova Madinabonu Jumanazarovna , Lecturer, Termez State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


In private ESL education, the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) tools offers great potential to improve teaching methods. With basic technical skills, teachers can use AI to optimise lesson creation and delivery, resulting in effective and varied learning experiences for students. Learn three ways to use AI and what it can do for teachers of English as a foreign language.


Artificial intelligence, developing communicative competencies


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Классическая книга по ИИ, содержащая основы и современные подходы,

применимые к обучению.

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Практическое руководство для применения ИИ в образовательных программах.

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включая интеграцию искусственного интеллекта.

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Jo’rabekova Madinabonu Jumanazarovna. (2025). Using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of teaching. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 5(01), 95–97.