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Pedagogical Factors of Choosing A Profession and Preparing Students for Military Service at Military Academic Lyceum Of «Temurbeklar Maktabi»

Ismatov. B. A. , The director of the military academic lyceum "Temurbeklar maktabi" in Fergana, lieutenant colonel, Uzbekistan


This article describes the pedagogical factors of choosing a military profession and preparing teenagers for military service in military academic lyceums.  There was expressed the importance of activities aimed at the formation of the motivational factors and value system for teenagers. Information was performed on the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective formation of cognitive, personal, motivational, functional and activity readiness for military-professional education and specific military specialization.


Military education, academic lyceum, pedagogical factors


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Ismatov. B. A. (2025). Pedagogical Factors of Choosing A Profession and Preparing Students for Military Service at Military Academic Lyceum Of «Temurbeklar Maktabi». European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 5(01), 88–91.