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Methods for Developing Logical Thinking Skills in Preschool Children

N. Sh. Gaziyeva , Senior teacher, Angren city, Angren University, Uzbekistan
D.Barkinova , MT Direction student, Angren city, Angren University, Uzbekistan


The development of logical thinking skills in preschool children is important in their cognitive development. This article will bring effective ways to teach children to think logically. Through games, interactive activities, art and creative activities, as well as Q & A processes, children's thinking skills can be enhanced. These techniques help children develop problem solving, understanding cause-and-effect relationships, and creative thinking skills.


Preschool age, logical thinking, cognitive development


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N. Sh. Gaziyeva, & D.Barkinova. (2025). Methods for Developing Logical Thinking Skills in Preschool Children. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 5(01), 79–80.