Problems Arising in The Translation Process
Mamataliyeva N.X , PhD, Lecturer, Termez university of economics and service, Uzbekistan Shavkatova Shahrizoda Sanjar qizi , Lecturer, Termez university of economics and service, UzbekistanAbstract
This article examines the art of translation, its complexities and a number of problems that we may encounter in this process, as well as the importance of the role of culture and modern technologies in the field of translation studies. In addition, in order to perfectly convey the original meaning of the source being translated from one language to another, it is important not only to have linguistic knowledge, but also to study intercultural differences, context, and stylistic features in depth. Solving these problems requires deep knowledge of language and culture from translators. Today, modern technologies, new mobile and computer programs, in improving the quality of translation, make language learning easier, which in turn leads to further strengthening ties between peoples.
Translation, intercultural differences, contextualization
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