Theoretical Basis for The Formation of Communication Skills in Preschool Children Through Role-Playing Games
Akbarov Bobur Bakhodir ugli , 3rd year student of group 302, Termez State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan Berdieva Shakhnoza Nabidzhanovna , PhD, Scientific supervisor, Termez State Pedagogical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
This paper discusses the theoretical foundations of developing communication skills in preschool children through role-playing games. It provides an in-depth analysis of key concepts such as "communication skills" and "role-playing games," drawing on the theories of E.O. Smirnova and D.B. Elkonin. The study highlights the significance of role-playing games as an effective means of developing communication skills and fostering positive social interaction in young children. The paper examines the process of communication skills development within the context of peer interactions, the influence of roles and rules on children's behavior, and the role of adults in guiding and supporting the play.
role-playing games, Communication skills, development of social behavior
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