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Gulchehra M. Teshaeva , Assistant Of The Department Of Biophysics, Information Technology And Medicine Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Man as a biological species provides its existence due to the creative transformation of the surrounding world, the development of culture and technologies. However, new technologies, being the fruit of human imagination and creativity, in turn, also change a person, complementing and transforming his usual habitat. Since the beginning of the emergence of technogenic civilization the dominant technologies of a particular historical period become the provider of metaphors for era-appropriate understanding person. In modern mechanism, the human body is compared to a machine - Sigmund Freud draws an analogy of what is repressed in psyche with a steam boiler, the lid of which blows off due to steam pressure - and in the twentieth century. Consciousness a person is like a computer. In modern times, one of these metaphors is digital networks with many nodes, while a person is not a network node, but is “distributed” among many of them.


Person, digital technology, integrity


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Gulchehra M. Teshaeva. (2024). MAN IN THE DIGITAL SOCIETY. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(05), 48–50.