Muratova Saodat Kadirovna , PhD, Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan Shukurova Nodira Tillaevna , Samarqand state medical university, Uzbekistan Teshaev Shokhzhakhon Otabekovich , Student at the Asian International University, UzbekistanAbstract
There is an increased probability of the coexistence of cardiovascular diseases in dental clinic clients, especially in the older group, which is associated with the dominance of diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease in the general morbidity structure of the population. A key feature of managing the treatment of this category of patients is the increased risk of sudden development of emergency conditions against the background of dental procedures, even if the initial condition of the patient seemed satisfactory. Such patients are also at increased risk of specific dental complications, such as bleeding, which can be caused by both a sudden increase in blood pressure and prolonged use of anticoagulants or disaggregants. Modern clinical guidelines, based on data from major international studies and regularly updated, play an important role in ensuring that dentists prevent cardiovascular emergencies and provide the necessary first aid, which helps to minimize the negative consequences of such acute clinical episodes.
Cardiological pathology, strategy of dental therapy, prevention of urgent medical interventions
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