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Thabisa Kimathi , Department of Public Administration & Management at the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa


This study examines the role of empowered scholarship as a catalyst for socio-economic development in South Africa. Engaged scholarship involves active participation of academics in addressing societal challenges through research, teaching, and community engagement. In the South African context, empowered scholarship focuses on promoting inclusive growth, addressing inequality, and fostering sustainable development. Through case studies and empirical analysis, this research explores how collaborative efforts between academia, government, and civil society contribute to positive socio-economic outcomes. The study highlights the impact of empowered scholarship in driving policy change, advancing social justice, and enhancing community resilience.


Empowered scholarship, Socio-economic development, South Africa


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Thabisa Kimathi. (2024). EMPOWERED SCHOLARSHIP: CATALYST FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Journal of Management and Economics, 4(07), 7–12. Retrieved from