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Ilhom Ochilov , PhD, Associate professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This research paper delves into enhancing the organizational and economic analysis of clusters in the context of Uzbekistan, offering a comprehensive examination of strategies to optimize the efficiency, sustainability, and economic impact of these collaborative economic entities. The study investigates the current state of cluster development in Uzbekistan, highlighting areas that require improvement. By drawing on a range of methodologies, case studies, and empirical evidence, the research aims to contribute actionable insights for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers to refine their approach to cluster development and management in the unique economic landscape of Uzbekistan.


Clusters, organizational analysis, economic analysis


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Ochilov I.S. Methodology for assessing the financial efficiency of agroclusters. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations. ISSN: 2689-100X. OCLC – 1121105668. September, 2023. Volume 05. Issue 09. pp.81-85. SJIF 2023=7.223.

Ochilov I.S. Methodology for Practical Analysis of Economic Efficiency Indicators of Clusters. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. ISSN: 2364-5369. Volume 10, Issue 10. October, 2023. рр. 302-308. SJIF 2023=7.56.

Ochilov I.S. Аnalysis of foreign experiences of evaluating the efficiency of organizational and economic mechanisms of agroclusters. Frontline marketing management and economics journal. ISSN: 2752-700X. Volume 03, Issue 11. November, 2023. pp.28-40. SJIF 2023=6.834.

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Ochilov I., Khalikov S., Turdibaev A. Methodology For Evaluating The Organizational And Economic Efficiency Of Agroclusters. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice,Research Article. 30(4), ISSN: 2148-2403. Scopus, SJR 0,19. Doi: 10.53555/kuey.v30i4.248. pp. 6822–6827.

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Saidov M., Ochilov I. Financial Analysis of Agrocluster in Digital Economy//AFE: Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research in the Development of Agriculture in the Far East. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 733. Springer, Cham. pp. 739–747. ISSN: 2367-3389. 10 February 2024. Springer Link.

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Ilhom Ochilov. (2024). ADVANCE THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF CLUSTERS. Journal of Management and Economics, 4(05), 27–34.