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Dilafruz Muhammadiyeva , Head Of The Department Of "Economics" At The Karshi Institute Of Irrigation And Agrotechnology At The National Research University “Tiiame” ", Uzbekistan


Approximately a third of all medicinal preparations are made from plants or with the participation of substances of plant origin. It is more economical to extract the synthesis of some chemical compounds contained in plants and determining the therapeutic effect of a drug from plant raw materials. It has been established that in a number of cases, the therapeutic effect of plant preparations is determined not only by the main active substance, but by the entire complex contained in it, including sugars, mineral salts, and microelements.


Medicinal plant, method,, alkaloid


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Dilafruz Muhammadiyeva. (2024). MEDICINAL PLANTS – SOURCES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. Journal of Management and Economics, 4(05), 19–21.