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The Use of Stylistic Devices in Byron’s Works to Create Vivid Romantic Hero Images

Toshpulatov Bekhzod Bekmurod ugli , Researcher at Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan


This article examines the romantic hero, focusing on its defining traits and the emergence of the Byronic hero in Byron’s The Giaour. Through stylistic analysis, it explores how Byron uses epithets, metaphors, and personifications to shape the image of a rebellious, passionate, and tormented character. The study highlights the Byronic hero’s defiance, tragic destiny, and lasting literary influence.


Romanticism, romantic hero, stylistic analysis


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Toshpulatov Bekhzod Bekmurod ugli. (2025). The Use of Stylistic Devices in Byron’s Works to Create Vivid Romantic Hero Images. European International Journal of Philological Sciences, 5(02), 11–14.