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Aziza Faxriddinovna ASLANOVA , Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Uzbekistan, Doctorate (PhD), Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In the modern era of the Internet and the digital economy, the demand for the effective use of digital PR in everyday life and business is increasing. Digital PR is becoming an integral part of business strategy as companies are forced to use the Internet and social media to advertise, connect with customers, and sell their products. An important aspect of digital PR is changing the content of brand communications with consumers. Despite the fact that the basic principles of information exchange and the formation of a positive image of the brand remain, this process is taking on new forms and tools.

This article analyzes what Digital PR is in branding development, its active strategies worldwide and in Uzbekistan, the role and importance of digital PR in promoting the name of local state organizations, and the instruments used.

As a result, the effectiveness of digital PR not only strengthens the brand's communicative activity but also gives the organization the opportunity to adapt to changing requirements and increase competitiveness quickly.


Digital PR, branding, Digital PR strategies


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Aziza Faxriddinovna ASLANOVA. (2024). GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS AND BRANDING: ISSUES FOR THE APPLICATION OF DIGITAL PR STRATEGIES AND INSTRUMENTS. European International Journal of Philological Sciences, 4(12), 15–33.