D. Lutfullaeva , Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In recent years, one of the most pressing issues in linguistics has been the determination of the linguistic landscape image of the external world as perceived by language speakers. This endeavour is primarily pursued through associative experiments conducted collectively among speakers of a language. Such experiments aim to uncover how individuals mentally map and interpret the world around them through language. A crucial aspect of this research involves creating associative portraits of notable individuals within society. These portraits help in understanding how famous people are collectively perceived and represented linguistically by different groups of speakers.
In this context, the current article delves into the problem of studying associative portraits within the field of linguistics. It explores the methodologies used in these associative experiments, discusses the importance of these portraits in capturing societal perceptions, and elucidates the underlying linguistic principles that define the concept of the associative portrait. By doing so, the article aims to reveal the linguistic essence of associative portraits, offering insights into how language shapes and reflects our understanding of prominent figures in society.
Associative portrait, association, manifestation of the external world in language
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