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Gafurova Nazokat Komiljonovna , Intern teacher, Faculty of Foreign Philology National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


Poetry is characterized by special rhythm, melody. Poetry conveys to us not only information in general, but above all aesthetic information, which allows to make a poetic text not like any other artistic text. The contemporary poetic discourse is an independent type of discourse. To date, many scientists and linguists pay special attention to this term, since modern poetry is represented by poetry, which has its own characteristics, rethinking, features. The modern reader does not always manage to understand and completely penetrate the depth of the work, because he/she is not prepared for many interpretations that exist in modern poetry. Translation of modern poetry is one of the most complex translation types. Translators working in this field should have a great deal of knowledge not only in the ability to beautifully transfer the original to the original language, but also be able to keep all the mood, color, rhythm, expressiveness of the poem. Translators set themselves the task of creating a poetic equivalent of the original.


poetry, poetic discourse, translation


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Gafurova Nazokat Komiljonovna. (2023). PROBLEMS OF POETIC TRANSLATION IN THE MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 3(06), 72–75.