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Ayu Utami , Department Of Information And Computer Education , Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret Indonesia


The examination breaks down the effect of study the chiefs systems to the execution of flipped concentrate on lobby model in an expert school in Indonesia. The flipped concentrate on corridor is for the most part new enlightening model that modifies understudies' an optimal chance to focus on talks and time spent on homework. Despite studies have been coordinated on the model, scarcely any watched out for the impact of the usage of a study the chiefs structure to the presentation of understudies drew in with such study model particularly inside Indonesian educational systems setting. A semi test approach was applied to an examination class and another control class. Upon the assessment, the outcomes highlighted as of late held investigation results. The use of Edmodo study the board structures works on understudies' display in the examination class, relative with those of the control class.


Study the chiefs structures, flipped homeroom


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Ayu Utami. (2022). ABILITY OF ADMINISTRATION ROBOTIZATION TO COMPETITOR STUDY REPERCUSSION. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 2(01), 16–19. Retrieved from