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Pedagogical and Psychological Characteristics of Developing Students' Scientific Literacy Based on PISA International Assessment Program Requirements

Gulchehra Zokirjon qizi Rahmonova , 3rd Year Doctoral Student at A. Avloniy National Institute of Pedagogical Skills, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the factors influencing students' scientific literacy and the pedagogical-psychological characteristics of shaping scientific literacy.


Natural sciences, experiment, law


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Małgorzata Nodzyńska, Paweł Cieśla, Agnieszka Kania. Experiments in teaching and learning natural sciences. KRAKÓW 2014

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Gulchehra Zokirjon qizi Rahmonova. (2025). Pedagogical and Psychological Characteristics of Developing Students’ Scientific Literacy Based on PISA International Assessment Program Requirements. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(02), 27–30.