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Zikriyayev Mardon Makhamatjon Ugli , Art Institute Named After Botir Zakirov Under The State Conservatory Of Uzbekistan Department Of Interfaculty Piano Performance, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to analyzing the current problems in the methodology of piano teaching and recommending effective approaches to eliminate them. In piano education, the development of students' performance skills, the formation of musical thinking, and the realization of personal creative potential are of great importance. This article highlights the use of interactive and innovative teaching technologies in piano lessons, as well as the role of an individual approach, the importance of creative cooperation between the teacher and the student. At the same time, the main problems encountered in the process of piano teaching - issues of technique, motivation, and support for creative growth - are analyzed in detail. The methods proposed by the author are aimed at improving the modern music education system.


Piano teaching, methodology, interactive technologies


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Zikriyayev Mardon Makhamatjon Ugli. (2024). PIANO TEACHING METHODOLOGY: CURRENT ISSUES AND EFFECTIVE APPROACHES. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(12), 159–163.