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Ruzimova Intizor Khujamuratovna , Teacher of the "Pedagogy" department, Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Pedagogic education is considered as a socially and culturally conditioned process of continuous training of a teacher, which is carried out on the basis of basic professional education programs of different time and content, which provide the opportunity for development: culture, history, knowledge in the field of science and system of skills, comprehensive knowledge about man and society, is a certain direction of education. In this article, opinions are expressed about the theoretical and practical foundations of the development of research activity and competence of future pedagogues. Also, there will be discussions on technologies for developing research competence in future teachers.



Education system, cometancy, scientific research activities


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Ruzimova Intizor Khujamuratovna. (2024). RESEARCH COMPETENCE OF FUTURE EDUCATION TEACHERS. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(03), 125–129.