Khojaniyazova Barno Khushnudovna , Lecturer At The Department Of Biology, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan Karimova Lobar Fatulloyevna , Lecturer At The Department Of Biology, Bukhara State University, UzbekistanAbstract
Soil salinity i.e. the presence of a solution of salts in the soil solution above the alternative level for plants, leads to a decrease in productivity, which has a negative impact on the growth and development of wheat plants. Complex environmental conditions lead to a decrease in product quality, which is important for the economy, while reducing the yield of wheat. Improving the salinity resistance of wheat remains one of the most pressing issues today. The most effective environmentally friendly way to increase the resistance of plants to salinity is to create varieties that are resistant to these extreme conditions and to accelerate their introduction into production.
Salt, seawater, classical genetics, Briding style, autumn and spring wheat
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