Bobokalonova Mushtariy Kenjaboyevna , 1 St Year Magistrate Of Termez State University, UzbekistanAbstract
Style is a reference language that has its own vocabulary, fixed combinations, sentences, and syntactic devices, and is a linguistic system that differs from other types in its internal elements, mainly expressive features. Elements of a particular style are easier to identify when they differ from other style elements. For example, the style of parables, the style of folk epics, the style of speech, the style of newspaper language, the style of office, the book style, the style of literature, the style of science, the style of science and technology, the style of publicism, the style of speech, the style of written speech style, etc. Style is a set of basic, typical ideological and artistic features of a writer's work that are repeated in his works. All of these must have their own alternatives in the translation. One cannot be replaced or substituted for another. In this article we discuss about information colloquial style in English and it's translation problems into Uzbek.
Colloquial style, English, Uzbek
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