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Isakova Zuhra Rafiqovna , Independent Researcher Stable Named Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Dusmatov Tugonboy Ganiyevich , Independent Researcher Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdusamatova Meyrajxon Azamat Qizi , Tashkent State Technical University Student, Uzbekistan


Technology teacher uses the method of interview to teach students the properties of solids, types of friction (physics), properties of polygons (geometry), properties of mixtures, emulsions and mineral oils (chemistry), etc. and based on the knowledge gained in these disciplines, the structure and cutting process of metals to be processed, the sharpening angles of cutting tools and the composition and properties of the fluid used to cool the part during processing, the friction surfaces of parts on the machine and friction by applying machine oil explains the methods.


Planning, curriculum, syllabus


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Isakova Zuhra Rafiqovna, Dusmatov Tugonboy Ganiyevich, & Abdusamatova Meyrajxon Azamat Qizi. (2022). TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL CHOICE PLANNING. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(03), 82–92.