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Kodirov Umut Roziboyovich , Phd Researcher Samarkand State University Named After Sharof Rashidov Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Currently in Uzbekistan different approaches and methods are used in teaching English to university students: problem-based learning, the case method, the context method, the communicative-activity approach, and others are incorporated into the curricula of universities. At the same time, the general level of mastering the English language by university graduates remains low. A significant increase in the communication skills of students based on the cultural characteristics of native English speakers is required. The flipped classroom model is a type of blended learning that includes forms of traditional classroom and e-learning with modern multimedia devices. The flipped class allows the teacher to provide students with theoretical material for self-study at home, so that later during the classroom sessions they will discuss together only the most difficult aspects of new topics, as well as perform practical creative tasks to consolidate the material covered. A podcast is an audio file (audio lecture) that can be listened to online on the Internet or downloaded to a mobile device (desktop computer). Podcasts have great didactic potential in the study of foreign languages due to their authenticity, relevance, versatility, media competence, multi-channel, interactivity, ability to increase motivation and provide an individual approach to learning.


Methodology, innovative technology, cultural approach


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Kodirov Umut Roziboyovich. (2023). ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONCEPTS “FLIPPED CLASSROOM” AND “PODCASTS” IN MODERN TEACHING METHODOLOGY. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 3(01), 113–129.