Nazarova Shaxnoza Toxir Qizi , 4th Year Student, Faculty Of Philology Of Karshi State University Mother Tongue And Literature (Russian Language And Literature), UzbekistanAbstract
Since the emergence of the science of linguistics, the issue of word classification has attracted the attention of experts, and discussions on this topic are still ongoing. If we observe the history of word groups, we can see that in the classification of Indians, Arabs, and Greeks, first of all, words important for speech - verbs and nouns - were separated. More precisely, the primitive classification of words, both in the East and in the West, is mainly three groups: words that indicate action (verb), words that name something (such as a thing, sign, quantity, action, state) (noun /name) and consisted of words (auxiliary words) that do not belong to these two groups. Later, as a result of scientific research conducted in this field, the boundaries and scope of word groups were determined, classification symbols of each group were developed. However, it should also be mentioned that, as in nature and society, words undergo evolution - the development of meaning. The transition of a word from one family to another sometimes takes centuries, and this, in turn, creates ongoing problems in the classification of words.
Adverbs, simple, couple
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