Kim Veronika Vladimirovna , Institute Of Genetic Plant Experimental Biology Academy Of Sciences, Tashkent Region, UzbekistanAbstract
Natural hybrids in vegetable soybean cultures are an important source of new starting material for soybean breeding. Systematic production of hybrid plants of vegetable soybeans in Uzbekistan on the basis of natural spontaneous hybridization has been carried out since 2014.
Natural hybridization in vegetable soybeans is carried out mainly by pre-pollination of opened self-pollinated flowers with pollen of unrelated closely growing genotypes. Foreign pollen germinates in the tissues of the pistil simultaneously with its own, which causes intense gametophytic competition. In multi-seeded beans, both hybrid and pseudo hybrid seeds are simultaneously tied, that is, from self-fertilization.
Vegetable soybean, variety, hybrid
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