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Artistic Picture of The World in Anthropocentric Aspect

Obidova Farangiz Akmalovna , Teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Termez State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article examines the artistic picture of the world, in an anthropocentric aspect, as one of the components that determine the specifics of "women's prose", the emergence and existence of which are dictated by time and space, the special gender and social role of women, and the originality is determined by a special "feminine" worldview, a feminine view of traditional universal problems. The study of the artistic picture of the world of women's prose will allow us to reach the level of axiological analysis of the text, which involves identifying the values that are actualized in the texts of women's prose, modeling the value hierarchies of writers representing this literary phenomenon, their integral system of knowledge and ideas about the world.


Women's prose, artistic worldview, socio-cultural phenomenon


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Obidova Farangiz Akmalovna. (2025). Artistic Picture of The World in Anthropocentric Aspect. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 5(02), 48–50.