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Introverted Type of The Author's "I" In the Story "Glamour in The Slums" By Ildar Abuzyarov

YULDASHEVA Nilufarkhon Ubaydullaevna , Doctoral student of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, third year of study, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article is devoted to the analysis of short fiction by Ildar Abuzyarov, which intertwines Russian, Eastern and European cultural traditions. The study focuses on the historical context of his work, types of character nomination and their connection with personality concepts. It is revealed that through the images of heroes, the author touches upon issues of identity, cultural code and philosophical understanding of man in the modern world. The work systematizes the key features of Ildar Abuzyarov's prose, emphasizing its significance for modern literature.


Author's , short fiction, modern literary process


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YULDASHEVA Nilufarkhon Ubaydullaevna. (2025). Introverted Type of The Author’s "I" In the Story "Glamour in The Slums" By Ildar Abuzyarov. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 5(02), 33–36.