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Babakhоnov Jafar Mukhiddinovich , Associate professor of the "Finance" department of the Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Ph.D, Uzbekistan


Holding corporations, often characterized by their significant market power and control over pricing, present unique challenges and opportunities within the economic landscape. This article explores the impact of taxation on these entities, particularly how tax policies can be structured to incentivize investment in innovation. We discuss the theoretical underpinnings of taxation, the behavior of monopolies in response to tax regimes, and the potential policy frameworks that could align corporate financial strategies with innovation-driven growth. The study focuses on the role of tax incentives, deductions, and credits in fostering innovation while addressing the challenges of tax avoidance and unequal resource allocation.


Taxation, holding corporations, research and development (R&D)


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Babakhоnov Jafar Mukhiddinovich. (2024). THE IMPACT OF TAXES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPANIES. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(12), 132–137.