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Bakhriev Dilshod Rizvonkulovich , Banking and Finance Academy of Republic of Uzbekistan


In this article, the influence of the management model of the company, which is one of the leaders in the insurance market, on the management of the company, their interdependence, the impact on the investment potential of the company, the financial activity of insurance companies organize to find sources, of the company reserves, their mechanism of formation, analysis of the main financial and economic indicators of the insurance company, participation of the insurance company in the insurance market, approaches and views of foreign scientists in this regard, investment policy of insurance companies, insurance market problem analysis, development prospects are described in detail. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been developed for the further development and improvement of their financial and economic competence, while modern management models are widely applied to insurance companies in Uzbekistan.


Management models, corporate management, modern management models


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Bakhriev Dilshod Rizvonkulovich. (2024). MODERN MODELS OF MODERNIZATION OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(12), 59–64.