PROF. Marie Becker , Otto-von-Guericke-University, Dept of computer science, Magdeburg, Germany, MalaysiaAbstract
The approval process for original research articles is a critical step in scholarly publishing, ensuring the integrity, quality, and reliability of academic work. This article explores the key procedures involved in the approval process for original research articles, focusing on the role of editors, peer reviewers, and the authors themselves. It outlines the stages of submission, review, revision, and final approval, while considering the challenges and best practices for each phase. By examining the various considerations, such as ethical standards, plagiarism checks, and compliance with journal guidelines, this paper offers a comprehensive guide for researchers and publishing professionals. The article also highlights the evolving nature of the approval process in the context of digital publishing, open access, and emerging technologies. The findings suggest that a transparent, efficient, and thorough approval process is essential for maintaining academic rigor and advancing knowledge dissemination in research fields.
Research article approval, Scholarly publishing, Peer review
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