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Kandov Bahodir Mirzayevich , Associate professor, doctor of Philosophy in Philosophical Sciences (PhD), Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article analyzes the role of the national question in the state governance system, its connection with political processes in historical periods, and the characteristics of the national policy pursued in Turkestan during the Soviet colonial era. The article also highlights some aspects of the measures implemented by the central government regarding the localization policy in our country. The role and importance of the local personnel policy in the fate of the people, as well as the social-political activity of Turor Risqulov, are discussed to some extent.


National question, national policy, self-determination


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Kandov Bahodir Mirzayevich. (2024). POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF TURAR RISKULOV IN TURKESTAN (1920 – 1935). European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(11), 67–76.