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Asadova Shahlo Saidjon kizi , Gulistan State University Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences 3rd year student, Uzbekistan


The state educational standard of primary general education is based on the concept of the formation of universal educational activities. Logical actions belong to one of the types of universal learning activities. Their formation is an important component of the work of primary school teachers, since logical operations contribute to the development of an active cognitive position in younger schoolchildren. People with logical thinking are able to solve the problems that arise in front of them. In elementary school, the subject of mathematics has the greatest opportunity for the formation of logical actions. In order for this process to be successful, teachers must comply with a number of conditions when preparing and conducting math lessons. In the lessons, it is important to organize "logical five minutes", select variable tasks and ensure a change of student activities. It is important to take into account the age characteristics of children, all tasks should be selected in accordance with the capabilities of younger students. Such work increases the effectiveness of the educational process. Students become active and interested in acquiring new knowledge that they can apply both in educational activities and in real life. This is the universality of logical actions. This article describes in detail the features of the work on the formation of logical actions in younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons.


Universal educational actions, logical universal actions, logical operations


Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009, No. 373, as amended by orders dated September 22, 2011, No. 2357.

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Asadova Shahlo Saidjon kizi. (2024). FORMATION OF LOGICAL UNIVERSAL ACTIONS AMONG YOUNGER STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(06), 101–105.