Okhunova Oygul Usmonjon , Phd researcher of TSUE, UzbekistanAbstract
This paper investigates the dynamics of gender equality and employment outcomes in Uzbekistan, examining the country's formal institutional transformations aimed at achieving constitutional mandates for equal rights. Drawing on data from national development strategies, legislative reforms, and employment statistics, the study assesses the impact of social development initiatives on women's socio-political engagement, representation, and economic empowerment. Findings reveal significant gender disparities in employment, with women facing disproportionate burdens in unpaid domestic work and experiencing higher rates of unemployment compared to men. Moreover, self-employment emerges as a critical source of household income, particularly among rural populations, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to address structural inequalities. The analysis underscores the importance of policy measures aimed at promoting gender equality in employment and enhancing access to decent work opportunities for women in Uzbekistan.
Gender equality, employment, institutional transformations
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