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Dr. Wlson Rosario , Research Department, PATTS College of Aeronautics, Paranaque, Philippines


Ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and facilities is paramount in any educational institution, particularly in specialized environments such as aeronautical schools. This study investigates the effectiveness of security services in an aeronautical school environment through a comprehensive assessment framework. By analyzing security protocols, incident response mechanisms, and stakeholder perceptions, we aim to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the school's security department. Through surveys, interviews, and observations, we gather data on security practices, staff training, facility access control, and emergency preparedness. Our findings contribute to enhancing the overall security posture of aeronautical schools and serve as a blueprint for similar institutions seeking to optimize their security strategies.


Security effectiveness, Aeronautical school, Safety protocols


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Dr. Wlson Rosario. (2024). EVALUATING SECURITY EFFECTIVENESS IN AN AERONAUTICAL SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(03), 10–18.