Qaraxonova Lоbarxon Musaxonovna , senior researcher, (PhD), head of the department at Scientific research institute of pedagogical sciences of Uzbekistan named after T.N. Kari Niyazi Karimova Iroda Radjabovna , Master's student at the Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
Today, in the developed countries of the world, the methodology and technologies of the monitoring process and international research are being improved in order to make a comparative comparison of the results of the educational process, to regularly analyze the dynamics of the development of students' knowledge and the quality of education. One such international study, Pisa, is one of the most important educational programs in preparing students for international assessment programs. This article discusses the PISA international assessment program and the effectiveness of its use.
PISA studies, students' interdisciplinary competence, winter literacy
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Qaraxonova Lobarxon Musaxonovna., & Ximmatov Elmurod Xayitovich, (2023). ISSUES OF IMPROVING TEACHING OF INFORMATION LESSONS TO STUDENTS IN GENERAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS. CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS, 4(11), 126–131. https://doi.org/10.37547/pedagogics-crjp-04-11-22
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