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Yuldasheva Maftuna , Master’s degree student in English Linguistics, Turan International University, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Ergashev Rasulbek Sohib , Master's Degree in English Linguistics, Professor of English Linguistics, Turan International University, Namangan, Uzbekistan


This article explores task-based approaches to university-level writing instruction, acknowledging the shift from traditional methods to prioritize meaningful communication. The introduction establishes the importance of tasks, defined as activities promoting meaningful language use in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). Challenges in implementation, such as task design and assessment, are discussed, alongside insights from a research on difficulties faced by Uzbek students. Proposed lesson plans provide practical applications, emphasizing linguistic development, communicative competence, and critical thinking skills. Global perspectives, citing influential scholars, enrich the discussion, and the article concludes with a focus on addressing specific challenges in Uzbekistan. This comprehensive overview offers insights into task-based language teaching's applicability and relevance, providing valuable guidance for educators globally and addressing the unique needs of Uzbek students.


Implementation, language teaching's applicability, thinking skills


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Yuldasheva Maftuna, & Ergashev Rasulbek Sohib. (2024). ANALYZING TASK-BASED WRITING APPROACHES: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 4(02), 66–81.