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Khamroeva Sarvinoz Azamat Kizi , 3rd Year Student Of The Faculty Of Pharmacy, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Azimova Baxtigul Jovli Kizi , Scientific Adviser, Phd In Biology, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan


Nigella sativa (N. sativa) (Family Ranunculaceae) is a widely used medicinal plant throughout the world. It is very popular in various traditional systems of medicine like Unani and Tibb, Ayurveda and Siddha. Seeds and oil have a long history of folklore usage in various systems of medicines and food. The seeds of N. sativa have been widely used in the treatment of different diseases and ailments. In Islamic literature, it is considered as one of the greatest forms of healing medicine. N. sativa has got the place among the top ranked evidence based herbal medicines. The present article is an effort to provide a detailed survey of the literature on scientific researches of pharmacognostical characteristics, chemical composition and pharmacological activities of the seeds of this plant.     


Nigella sativa, Miracle herb, Ranunculaceae, Habat-ul-Sauda, Thymoquinone


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Khamroeva Sarvinoz Azamat Kizi, & Azimova Baxtigul Jovli Kizi. (2022). THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF NIGELLA SATIVA: A MIRACLE HERB. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(04), 259–262.