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Amanov G'ofir Adilovich , Lecturer Of The Department "Fundamentals Of National Ideas And Spirituality And Law Education" Of The Socio-Economic Faculty Of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


In this article, in order to protect our people from various ideological and ideological threats, to create ideological immunity in society, it must first be armed with a healthy, humane idea and ideology that deeply reflects the laws of development. It is possible to protect ourselves, our morals, our heritage, our values and our national spirit from the influence of harmful ideas and ideologies, to protect the nation from the aggression of ideological immunity in the hearts of our citizens and young people against them. In Uzbekistan, thoughts and comments are made about the ideological and ideological foundations of creating a new spiritual space.


Idea, ideology, spirituality, propaganda


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Amanov G'ofir Adilovich. (2022). IDEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CREATING A NEW SPIRITUAL SPACE IN UZBEKISTAN. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(04), 239–242.