Xolboyeva Nasiba Asrorovna , Assistant Of Therapeutic Dentistry Student Of 5th Year Of Department Of Dentistry, Uzbekistan Jurayev Oltinbek Mexriddin Ugli , Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan Kuchkarov Sardor Fazliddin Ugli , Samarkand State Medical University, UzbekistanAbstract
The results of a comparative study of the oral cavity of pregnant women with hypertrophic gingivitis and without inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (ESD) were studied on the example of the Samarkand region as a risk factor for the development of hypertrophic gingivitis in pregnant women. It has been shown that during pregnancy, the negative influence of local factors of hypertrophic gingivitis significantly increases. Keywords: hypertrophic gingivitis, pregnancy, dental indicators, risk factors Despite numerous studies, the etiology of inflammatory periodontal diseases in pregnant women has not been sufficiently studied. Thus, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women remains insufficiently effective. In addition, many medications and effects cannot be used during pregnancy (or perhaps, but there is only a risk comparable to the health of a mother with gingivitis).The fruit depends on the means used). On the other hand, hypertrophic gingivitis negatively affects the course of pregnancy and increases the likelihood of perinatal complications [1,2]. In particular, periodontitis often contributes to premature birth and intrauterine infection of the fetus, since it complicates the course of pregnancy and is a focus of infection in the mother's body.[3] Many inflammatory diseases have regional peculiarities of development, course and treatment related to its iodine state, the state of ecology, the epidemiological situation and the organization of medicine, as well as the genetic characteristics of the population of this territory [4,5]. It is reasonable to assume the presence of such signs in hypertrophic gingivitis. However, at the moment there are no special publications dedicated to this disease in the Samarkand region.
Compare the state of periodontal disease in chronic, hypertrophic gingivitis in pregnant and non-pregnant women - residents of the Samarkand region.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Xolboyeva Nasiba Asrorovna, Jurayev Oltinbek Mexriddin Ugli, Kuchkarov Sardor Fazliddin Ugli

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